CAO Flavours
CAO, a name that has been around since pre-embargo, has a long history of outstanding cigars. From the Brasilia to some of the newer blends such as the Flathead and Pilon, these cigars are carefully constructed and consistent. It’s no wonder why these cigars have received such high ratings all the way up to this past year.
CAO has a variety of cigarillos and small cigar that come in delicious flavors. From vanilla to cinnamon, there is a “flavour” for everyone.
Bella Vanilla uses the highest quality vanilla beans from Madagascar, recognized as the source for the world’s finest vanilla. Wrapped in exotic Cameroon leaves, the complex flavors of these exquisite beans are imbued into a blend of rich, Cuban-seed, Nicaraguan tobaccos.
Cherry Bomb has a rich flavor made of cherry and black currant extracts followed by a creamy vanilla grade “A” Cuban seed tobacco giving it a flavor that explodes once lit.
Eileen’s Dream are full of mild-tasting Dominican tobaccos and a Cameroon wrapper flavored with superior Irish cream and white chocolate truffles holds it all together.
Gold Honey cigars use only the highest quality orange blossom honey extracted from Florida’s best orange groves. Filled with mild Nicaraguan tobaccos and wrapped in the finest Ecaudorian-grown Connecticut leaves for a delicately sweet smoke with a tangy trace of citrus.
Moontrance cigars are a unique blend of 100% all natural exotic fruit and bourbon vanilla extracts, Nicaraguan fillers and Cameroon wrappers.
Solfyre cigars use the finest mild tobacco and unique natural flavorings. The result is a cigar that enhances the earthy taste of the tobacco with subtle touches of flavor. The Solfyre is a spicy, yet sweet cinnamon whiskey.