Produced by the Augusto Reyes Family, Kismet cigars are medium-bodied delights hailing from Dominican Republic. Each cigar blends six different tobaccos from six different areas of Dominican Republic. The solid construction of these cigars makes for a slow, leisurely smoke, perfect for relaxing with a drink after a long, hard day.
Upon lighting a Kismet cigar, the first thing you will notice is the aroma, an intoxicating blend of cocoa, fruit, cedar and sweet tobacco. The first taste has an element of spice with just a hint of leather courtesy of the Corojo leaf wrapper. Soon, the spice gives way to a smooth creaminess infused with hints of coffee and cocoa. These cigars finish just as beautifully as they begin and are never harsh or bitter.
Kismet cigars are available in five different shapes: Belicoso, Churchill, Gordo, Robusto and Toro. Aptly named, “”kismet”” means fate or destiny. Whether you are a casual smoker or an aficionado, you will fall in love with this cigar. It’s fate.