Aging Room Havao
Each Aging Room cigar, belonging to a limited batch, is created with a blend of distinctive and rare tobaccos, and then attentively finished with an aged wrapper. Fashioned by premier cigar-craftsmen, Rafael Nodal and Jochi Blanco, these cigars present a striking profile of Dominican Republic tobaccos. While each batch boasts an individual mix of tobaccos, the product line is known for its suave and spicy flavor.
The Havao is a mild plus cigar with notes of spice and a smooth draw. Each cigar is made with Habano Criollo fillers and binders and wrapped in a beautiful Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The Havao has received much recognition, receiving a 90 point rating in Cigar & Spirits Magazine, a 91 point rating in Cigar Snob and a 91 point rating in Cigar Aficionado’s Top Cigars of 2014.