Cohiba Nicaragua
One of the oldest Cuban brands, Cohiba has been around for decades. Once the embargo was placed on Cuba, Cohiba became a brand known for not just their Cuban cigars, but for their delicious Dominicans. Now that the embargo has been lifted, you may find yourself preferring the Dominican stogies!
The artisans of Cohiba are proud to unveil the brand’s first Nicaraguan cigar, a luxurious expression of the strength and complexity of Nicarguan tobacco. Blended with the finest hand-selected leaves from the volcanic soils of Esteli and Jalapa, Cohiba Nicaragua is full flavored and intricately balanced. As finesse is of paramount importance, this is a rich, creamy smoke, peppered with bold notes of spice. Just as this Nicaraguan collection ushers in an entirely new dimension of taste to the Cohiba portfolio, the commitment to flawless construction is strictly upheld.